We have been learning about culture of the world .I Close Spain find out about it's culture.
Here is my slide presented.
I am a Year 3-4 student in Team Awa at Ohaeawai School in Northland, New Zealand. My teachers are Mrs Gardiner and Mrs Clarke.
We have been learning about culture of the world .I Close Spain find out about it's culture.
Here is my slide presented.
Here is my handwriting on paper but I like how I have kept my tall letters tall. I need to work on forming my numbers properly.
We have been learning about narrative writing.
We rewrote a story called Catching the Sun.
Here is my story.
This week, to end our procedure writing topic, we have been creating our own games. I made a digital board game. My theme was in a cave.
For maths we have been working on our basic facts. Everyday we do a maths grid of basic facts.
My speech topic is Gaming
Speech Topic: Gaming
Do you like Gaming? Have you ever wondered why gaming is so bad? Gaming is a game you can play inside on a device. Gaming is bad because you might not listen to your parents, you can get addicted to the game and never attend school. I believe that gaming is bad. Here are my 3 reasons why.
Firstly, gaming can be expensive. Most of the games cost money and you probably can't afford it. If you're touching your mom's credit card you might have to pay it back and you might not have the money for that.
Secondly, when you play games inside it could take away your activity outside and playing outside can make you feel healthy and fit. You need fresh air and exercise.
Finally, games are bad because you don't know who might be playing on the game with you?
There might be dangerous people in your game and you don’t know.
I think gaming is bad for you. Don’t game too much get outside and play!